Oh, it's so gross...
l always did hate doing this.
l'll do it.
That's alright.
Where did you say you met him?
You know who...Henry.
What do you want
to know for?
l don't know...
l'm just curious.
Van Dalia.
Van Dalia?
Sure, Van Dalia.
Oh, what was he in for?
You don't want to know.
What did he do?
Kill his mama?
Uh, huh.
Come on...
what was he in for?
You don't want to know.
What did he do?
Rob a bank or something?
You were right
the first time.
You were right the first time.
He killed his mama.
Don't you ever
tell him l told you.
You're kidding me?
No, l ain't.
Yes you are.
Alright, l'm kidding you.
Just don't ever
tell him l told you.
He killed his mama?
With a baseball bat...
her and one of her boyfriends.
l swear if you
ever tell him l told you
l'll beat your ass right off.
How do you know all this?
He told me,
that's how l know.
How else would l know?
Were you
cellmates or something?
No, we were friends.
When did he get out?
A couple
of years before me.