There was only one left.
...nothing about this
but you can bet a dollar to a
doughnut that when he finds out,
and he will find out
'cause l'll tell him
there'll be hell to pay.
l'll never go back there again
l can tell you that...
not when he's not there anyway.
First of all there ain't two
of them that speaks English.
lt's gone down so badly
the way it's changed
it breaks my heart.
lt's like that all over.
People spit at you.
l wish l was lying.
You can't have a regular
good time in the city no more.
Ah, shit!
What did you do that for?
l guess l got carried away.
Well, l guess you did, Otis.
Shit...l got to have a TV.
Well, let's go shopping.