Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Come on Henry, say hi.
Say hi, Henry.
No more, Otis.
Say hi, Henry.
No more, Otis!!
He doesn't want to.
Say hi...
He said hi.
Yea, uh, huh.
Look l'll do the best l can,
but l don't promise...
Fuck him.
Yea, yea good-bye. crazy guy!
Some jerk off hasn't been out
of jail six months,
gets drunk
gets busted up in a fight
so he goes home and gets a gun
and comes back later
and shoots the guy.
They find the gun on him.
He claims he was framed.
What are you going to do?
So uh ...
everything going O.K.?
Still working at Bobs Gas?
Yes sir.
Good, you working everyday?
Two, three days a week.
lt's a little slow now.
Well, if it's less than
two days a week let me know.
We'll see
what we can do for you.
You still living at
18o1 West North?
Yes sir.
l got to cut it
short today, uh Otis.
My kid's scheduled
for oral surgery.
l promised to take him over.
Good. l'll see you next month.
Take it easy.
You got it?
Got what?
You know what.