ln jail? Are you sure?
ls Luleen there?
Does she know?
ln the what...in the army?
Go get her, will you?
Do you miss me?
l miss you.
You did?
That's wonderful.
Are you being a good girl?
l don't think so honey...
l know l promised, but, huh...
a couple of things
have happened here.
l know...he is a good soldier.
Soon...real soon...l promise.
l love you, too.
Yea...huh...put your
grandma back on, O.K.?
l know...
l'll think about it.
l can't right now...
l will...soon...
l can't talk anymore O.K....
l gotta go.
O.K., bye.
Great, great, oh...
l got one here, look...