Get your hands off!
Try explaining this to my wife!
Get me a cherry-cheese danish too.
What time did he buy it?
About 10:00, 10:30.
Whatever cut him
was razor sharp.
Get out of here
with these cameras!
Frank! Frank!
Oh, my God.
A guy was killed
like this in Jersey.
What the hell.
That's Jersey.
I want out!
Hey, Frank. Come here.
Aw, shit!
Ooh, baby.
Look at you.
Garfield, cover that head.
What the hell
have you got?
A Toledo-Salamanca.
A what?
A sword, Frank.
A very rare sword.
Is it worth much?
Only about a million bucks.
Any antique dealer
on Hudson Street...
could tell you that.
You can't keep me here!
I know my rights!
Ever see this guy before, Nash?
His name's Vazilek,
Polish national.
Had his head chopped off
in New Jersey two nights ago.
You ever get over
to New Jersey, Nash?
Not if I can help it.
You talk funny.
Where you from?
Lots of different places.
- You're an antique dealer, right?
- Mm-hmm.