Sometimes, Macleod...
the sharpest blade is not enough.
* B-A-L-A-N-C-E
Balance *
I don't like boats!
I don't like water!
I'm a man, not a fish.
Oh, you complain endlessly.
You look like a woman,
you stupid haggis.
Haggis? What is haggis?
Sheep's stomach stuffed
with meat and barley.
And what do you
do with it?
You eat it.
How revolting.
Be still.
You'll tip us over!
I cannot swim,
you Spanish peacock.
I'm not Spanish.
I'm Egyptian.
You said you were
from Spain! Liar!
You have the manners
of a goat...
and you smell like dung.
And you have no knowledge
whatsoever of your potential.
Now, get out!
Help! Help!
Help me, I'm drowning!
You can't drown, you fool.
You're immortal!
I'm drowning!
Come help!
* We ask you...
Heavenly Father *
I'm alive.