You bastard.
Where did you find this?
I have an extensive library.
Odd thing.
Your bio doesn't
mention the Met.
It says you work
for the police...
in forensics.
Are you and Moran
setting me up?
I don't work for Moran.
Then why is that bald policeman...
sitting outside
watching your apartment?
You remember him.
Moran's had him tailing me.
What are you going to do?
Question is,
what are you going to do?
Turn off the tape or
shoot me with the .45?
I'm not looking
for a killer.
I'm looking for a sword.
The one used on Fasil.
- I only want to see the samurai.
- Why?
Because it's not
supposed to exist.
I dated the blade
at 600 B.C.
The metal had been
folded 200 times.
The Japanese didn't make swords
like that till the Middle Ages.
So where the hell
did it come from?
If I could verify
its existence...
it would be like
discovering a 747...
a thousand years
before the Wright Brothers ever flew.
This is crazy.
Wait a minute, Nash.
I want some answers.
You want?
Don't you ever
think about anything...
except what you want?
You must leave her, brother.