That you?
You missed him, Mr. Bassett.
The sword, the sword.
Stop, sir.
I beseech you.
I apologize for
calling your wife...
- a bloated warthog...
And I bid you good day.
Shoot him, sir.
Shoot him.
Now, sir, in the back!
Now, sir!
Hotchkiss. Hotchkiss!
Stop it!
* Hotchkiss *
No, sir.
No, no...
No! No! No!
That's the mood
of New York now.
Get out of here!
So far...
Earlier today, in response
to growing pressure...
the mayor's office issued
the following statement...
Give us a drink, pal.
Got a joint?
...vigorous investigation...
following up on
some promising leads.
Hey, Rockefeller,
how'd you like Candy?
She said you were
kind of kinky, huh?
Don't ever speak to me.
I didn't mean nothin'.
Look, I didn't mean...
Don't ever speak
to me again.
Do you understand?
I hope you get your head
chopped off, asshole.