You can't stay
in here forever.
You are weak, Highlander.
You will always be
weaker than l.
I'll be out front.
Goodbye, Macleod.
We will meet soon enough.
This is the house of God.
People are trying to pray.
You're disturbing them.
He cares about
these helpless mortals?
Of course he cares.
He died for our sins.
That shall be his undoing.
forgive me!
I am a worm.
I have something to say!
It's better to burn out...
than to fade away!
I need to see him, goddamn it!
I'm afraid that's impossible.
Mr. Nash is...
Mr. Nash is dead.
What are you doing here?
I'm looking for
a dead guy named Nash.
He died at birth
in Syracuse, New York.