
so we thought we'd get together
and show you how we do things here.

We trust that you're a fine,
upstanding, God-fearing man

with Christian morals and principles
who will set an example and
a standard of leadership for our boys.

Tell me, do you believe in
man-to-man or zone defence?

Zone defence is all we've played, and
it's the only thing that'll work this year.

That's right, George.
For anything else our boys
are too small but, remember,

we were 15 and 10 last year,
and we got all our boys back but one.

Listen, I ain't interested in talking defence
and I don't have a hair of a notion

why we hired someone who's been
in the water for the last ten years.

The main point is we don't get Jimmy
Chitwood back, we don't have a prayer.

He switches over to Terhune,
we're in big trouble.

- (man) He's right, Coach. Jimmy's...
- Gentlemen.

It's been real nice talking to you.
Good night.

Miss Fleener?
Good morning.
I heard the boys weren't
real generous with you last night.

I keep forgetting there are
only 50 people in this town.

- This hick town, you mean?
- I didn't say that.

That's what you're thinking, isn't it?
I thought we were gonna be friends.
- I guess you'll wanna talk about Jimmy.
- Why would I?

You've been told
you can't win without him?

Too many times in the last 24 hours.
What's it to do with you?

I look after him. His mother's sick, his
father passed away and we're neighbours.
