
It's me. Cletus told me
where I could find you.

I used to play in these fields.
I used to wonder what it would feel like
to start walking and just keep going.

That's tempting.
Aren't you the kind who'd rather
look for a fight than run away?

"Norman Dale, coach of national
champions lthaca Warriors,

was given a lifetime suspension,
to be honoured by all NCAA signatories,

for physically assaulting his own player
in lthaca's last season's game."

"This was the latest
in a series of incidents

involving the successful
though highly volatile coach."

"The New York High School Athletic
Association will honour the suspension."

- Where'd you find that article?
- The library in Deerlick.

I was curious.
I wanna tell you that I think your efforts
in regards to Shooter have been noble.

They have, they've been fine.
And I appreciate you staying away
from Jimmy the way you have.

I don't think you'd better be there tonight.
It won't be pleasant.
I've made some mistakes, but they're
mistakes I take full responsibility for.

I was hired to teach the boys the game of
basketball. I did it to the best of my ability.

I apologise for nothing.
You may not be pleased
with the results, but I am.
