Behold, the next in line becomes
my Lady, the Duchess Frances Suffolk,
who would, of course,
relinquish all her dues and rights
in favour of her daughter, Jane.
Ah, Frances, there you are.
Down, damn you, Jupiter.
Good Lord, are you still eating?
Do you hear me, sir?
- Afternoon, John.
- My Lord.
We were speaking
of Jane's marriage, Henry.
It might be a matter
of peculiar importance
in the event of circumstances
which well might arise.
In fact, I suspect
my Lord has someone in mind.
Perhaps he'd be good enough to tell me.
I don't think you've met my youngest
and as yet unmarried son, Guilford.
He's a quiet and studious boy.
I imagine even now among his books
or else at prayer.
More wine!
No more wine.
- Hey, you!
- Because it's bedtime.
I want him out!
It's bedtime, Guilford.
Good morning, Mother, Father.
Jane, you know
the Duke of Northumberland.
Indeed I do. My Lord.
Jane, as you know,
the Duke has three fine sons.