Legal Eagles

If the evidence is compelling enough,
I'm sure the jury will agree. Excuse me.

I'm trying to prevent
a miscarriage of justice.

I'm talking about evidence
a jury may never have a chance to hear.

You have a reputation for fairness.
- Chelsea Deardon's a client I can believe in.
- Like Howard Marchek?

That's it?
- That's the entire extent of your curiosity?
- On the contrary.

Twenty-seven relatives, a talking dog?
I can't wait to see what's next.
See you in court.

Clients of yours?
You got to get that done this afternoon.
Got it. Right.
You got a handkerchief?
You got a handkerchief?
Yeah, sure. God.
That is my table. I sit there every day.
I'm sorry.
- Tom, I need your legal opinion.
- Not now, I need to see Bowers.

My client slams his truck
through the window of a 7-Eleven.

He breaks a customer's leg,
bangs up the clerk with bruises.

You got a problem.
Okay look, my client is driving,
but he is also with a woman...

who's resting her head in his lap actively.
What are you talking about?
Speak English, Ed.

Resting her head with affection.
This breaks his concentration
on driving, and....

I can build a case on this.
Ultimately, the accident is her fault
and not his.

- What do you think?
- I'd sell the screen rights.

A drink for you, sir?
- Yeah. No.
- You're late. Cause me stress.

Doctor says I'm supposed to
cut down on stress.

These pills kill the acid in the coffee...
before the acid in the coffee kills me.
