Now let's get to the point here.
You know, Tom,
I always had the highest regard for you...
both as a lawyer and a human being.
I appreciate that.
That's why I picked you to give the keynote
at the banquet tonight.
Every year some poor son of a bitch
has to get in front of the crowd...
and spout comforting nonsense.
This year, I want to hear it
from someone with style and charm.
I want to hear it from someone
who's my choice...
for the next district attorney.
This is finally it, folks,
my last year as your district attorney.
Too late.
Appeal denied.
Now then, the big question is
who'll replace me?
Well, perhaps someone
like our keynote speaker here.
For the past 12 years, I've given this man...
the toughest assignments
and the heaviest case loads...
for one simple reason:
he gets thejob done!
Ladies and gentlemen...
a man whose past performance...
guarantees him a brilliant future,
Tom Logan.
Chelsea, wait.
Let's do something.
I think this is better.
Yeah. Much better.
An attorney has to know the truth.
Whether he attacks it or defends it...
the truth is the touchstone of his trade.
That's tricky, because clients often lie.
I don't know what it is about us, but...
it seems to be human nature,
to lie to a lawyer.
That him?
Ifyour client was 5 miles away
from the crime scene...
he'd tell you he was 10 miles away.