Make you uncomfortable.
Still uncomfortable?
You bet.
You said your father had a journal?
Can I see it?
- Yeah.
- Now?
I'd have to find it.
lt shouldn't take too long.
Maybe it's in the storeroom. I forget.
When was the last time you saw it?
- Two weeks ago.
- There's no journal, is there?
- Yes, there is.
- But you don't have it?
- Do you always cross- examine people?
- Only when they lie.
I have nothing from when father was alive.
There was a journal. There were paintings.
There was a fire.
I need your help.
I lied to you before because...
I didn't think the truth was good enough.
He's there.
- What?
- He's there.
- No one's there.
- I feel it.
- I need some sleep.
- You can sleep here.