Legal Eagles

- Are you going to spoil my birthday?
- Happy birthday, your Honor.

Begging the court's indulgence,
could I confer with Mr. Logan?

- Mr. Rustavlov?
- No objection, your honor.

Get on with it.
I called you last night.
Something incredible happened.

I'll say. I discovered that....
You called me?

Yeah. What discovery?
The Deardon case: major fraud.
I've got hard evidence.

Your Honor,
an important matter has come up.

My learned assistant, Miss Freeman...
will continue the cross-examination.
What? Me?
What about this hard evidence?
It's a complete collection
of Sebastian Deardon's paintings.

This is a confidential insurance file.
Where'd you get it?

I have my sources.
Notice the red stamps
near most of the paintings?

These were destroyed in the fire.
Look at 122.

Look familiar?
This looks like the painting Taft showed us.
Not looks like. It is. Notice the stamp?
This painting was supposedly
destroyed in the fire.

- I say we squeeze him.
- Squeeze? No.

We'll go slow with him.
I don't want to hear the word, fraud.

No matter what we have,
the whole thing could be a clerical error.

A $20 million clerical error?
I'm here with no authority whatsoever.
You're in possession of insurance files
of dubious origin.

lnside, I'll do the talking.
Stay behind me
and try to look like an attorney.

Yes, your Holiness.
At $2,700,000 on the right side.
Now at $2,700,000. Now say 8.
$2,800,000 on the aisle.
At $2,800,000. Now say 9.
At $2,800,000
on the left aisle and fair warning...

at $2,800,000.
