Legal Eagles

Sold for $2,800,000.
That's for number 176.
Your next lot is number 12.
Lot 12, the Renoir.

Mr. Taft, I'd like to ask
a few more questions about the Deardon.

I'm pursuing an elusive painting...
I'm sorry to bother you. Excuse me.
A colleague of mine
received some documents...

related to art underwriting
by Seaboard Fidelity Company.

Please, I'm busy.
Not as many Deardons
were destroyed in the fire...

as previously thought.
Gentleman's bid at $1,300,000.
- I have $1,300,000 on the left.
- Go to $1.8.

$1,400,000. I have $1,400,000.
I have $1,400,000. Now 5.
Five, $1,500,000.
The gentleman at the back.

$1,500,000. Now 6.
I carried Chelsea through the flames.
I saved her life.

Everything else burned to the ground.
That's it. Get out,
before I have you thrown out.

- We're not making allegations...
- We know those paintings exist.

We think you have them.
If you repeat that allegation anywhere,
publicly or privately...

I'll see you never practice law
in this country.

That won't be necessary.
I apologize for Miss Kelly's allegations...

but I do represent the DA's office.
I'd like to see your business records.
So if you cooperate,
we can avoid any further unpleasantness.

You seem intelligent, Mr. Logan.
Far too intelligent to risk a career...
by meddling in legitimate matters
which aren't your concern.

Am I making myseIf clear?
You'll be subpoenaed in the morning.
I want all your records
for the past five years:

Shipping orders, inventories,
bills of sale, the works.

Otherwise, a federal marshal
will confiscate them...
