Legal Eagles

Just up ahead.
Not that car. It's the gray Mercedes.
The idea is not to get too close.
- That's the idea?
- Hurry, but don't get too close.

Ease back a little. That's it.
You're doing good.
Pull over to the right
so we can make a right-hand turn.

Can you do that?
What are you doing? Logan. Get back in.
- You drive.
- No.

You seem to know what to do.
You're doing great. Get back in the car.
- It's your turn, really. Drive.
- I can't.

- What?
- I can't drive.

The light's changing.
- Let's...
- Don't even say it. Don't even think it.

You've got a lot of enthusiasm
and that may not be bad, but...

if we go in there,
it's breaking and entering.

It's not breaking, it's entering.
There's no law against that.

- There are hundreds of them.
- Not for an official pursuing a felon.

No. He's not a felon.
Pursuing a probable felon.
Probable felon.
"Boston vs. Cavalero, 1967.
"If a public official
is pursuing a probable felon...

"he or she may enter an unlocked
storage area without a warrant...
