Legal Eagles

Are you all right?
- You all right?
- I'm okay.

You all right?
I don't ever want to do this again.
Never again.
Make out a warrant
for Taft's arrest for arson.

I think you should know
the chief is totally crazed.

He's popping those little pills like M&Ms.
He almost let the police charge you both
with breaking and entering.

He's probably never heard of Boston vs....
- Cavalero.
- Right.

Make sure the detective squad hires
some art experts...

to sift through the wreckage.
- Art experts.
- Yeah.

How'd the trial go? Did you win it?
I don't want to talk about it.
- Hey, Miss Kelly.
- Cavanaugh.

Are you okay? I heard all about it.
Must have been a hell of a bang.
I'm talking to the lady.
I'm listening to you talk to the lady.
- Who is this guy?
- Who is this guy?

C.J. Cavanaugh, detective.
This is Tom Logan,
Assistant District Attorney.

- This is supposed to be between us.
- We're doing this together.

- Doing what together?
- It's just an expression.

Detective Cavanaugh investigated
the original Deardon fire.

You know something about the case?
Yeah, I know something about it.
What about this partnership
between Taft and Forrester and....

- Brock.
- Brock, yeah.

There's not much to tell.
