
lt was hot that night,
so it must have felt
cool in the house.

lntruder cut Charles Leeds's throat
then shot Mrs. Leeds.

Bullet lodged in her lumbar spine,
but she died of strangulation.

Moderate elevation of serotonin and
an increase in histamine indicate she

lived for 5 minutes after the shot.
All other injuries are post-mortem.
Direction of the

blood stains on the wall
indicate arterial spray.

Leeds tried to fight because intruder
moved towards the children's room.

Blood stains on west wall
in master bedroom and sliding marks
on hall carpet remain unexplained,

as does superficial ligature mark
around Mr. Leeds' chest.

Also believed post-mortem.
What did the killer
do with them after they were dead?

Hi. This is Valerie Leeds.
l can't speak right now,
but if you leave a message after the
beep, l'll get right back.
