l'll send him tomorrow.
What do you want him to do?
Dust Mrs. Leeds' finger and toenails
and the corneas of all their eyes.
l think he took off his gloves.
The subject's teeth look like this.
These were reconstructed
from the bite mark impressions we took
from Mrs. Leeds and the Jacobi woman.
He has pegged lateral incisors,
that's these teeth here and here.
Vice and narcotics, you take the
K-Y cowboys and the leather bars.
Marcus, Whitman heads up at the
funeral. The rest, see the sheet.
One more thing.
l've heard officers call
this killer the 'Tooth Fairy'.
Well, l don't wanna hear that
in public or see it in memoranda!
That's it.
l know a burglar's gonna fence
what he stole for cash money.
l know his motive,
so l go to work on fences.
This guy, we don't have a motive.
None of us have shit and we know it.
lt's in his dreams.
His motive?
- Yeah.
His act fuels his fantasy.
Which is?
- l don't know.
Commissioner says you're the one
who got Garrett Jacob Hobbes
and then Dr. Lecktor 3 years ago?
- Lecktor killed 90 people, didn't he?
Nine that we know of.
Two didn't die.
l heard he cut you pretty good.
What about the dog?