That's the same atrocious aftershave
you wore in court 3 years ago.
l keep getting it for Christmas.
Did you get my card?
- l got it, thank you.
How is Officer Stuart?
- Emotional problems, l hear.
Do you have any problems, Will?
- No.
No, of course you don't.
l'm glad you came.
My callers are usually psychologists
from cornfield universities.
Second-raters, the lot.
Dr. Bloom showed me your article
on surgical addiction. - And?
Very interesting, even to a layman.
l want you to help me, Dr. Lecktor.
- l thought so.
lt's about Atlanta and Birmingham.
- Yes? - You read about it?
ln the papers.
l don't tear out the articles.
l wouldn't want them to think
l was dwelling on anything morbid.
You want to know
how he's choosing them.
Any ideas?
- Why should l tell you?
You get to see the file.
There's another reason. - Pray tell.
You might be curious to see
if you're smarter.
Smarter than you,
since you caught me?
l know l'm not smart.
- Then how did you catch me?
Your disadvantages.
- What disadvantages?
You're insane.
You're very tanned, Will.
Your hands are rough.
Not cop's hands any more.
And that shaving lotion
is from a child?
With a ship on the bottle?
Don't think appeals to my
intellectual vanity will work.
l don't think that.
You'll do it or you won't.
Dr. Bloom's working on it.
He's the best.