Would you dial a number for me?
- Certainly. What's the number?
Area code 3-0-1.
University of Chicago, Department of
Psychiatry.- Dr. Bloom, please.
l'll connect you with his office.
What's his secretary's name?
- Martha King. Just a moment.
Martha King's desk.
- Hi, Martha.
Martha doesn't come in nights.
Maybe you can help me.
This is Bob Greer.
Dr. Bloom asked me to send
a paper to someone,
but l never got the address or number.
- She'll be in in the morning.
l've got to catch the Federal express.
Could you pull it out of her Rolodex?
l don't see a Rolodex.
- l bet she has a call caddy.
- Well point right on down to G.
- The last name is Graham.
The man the book is for.
Mr. Will Graham.
Federal Bureau of lnvestigation,
10th and Pennsylvania, Washington D. C.
l bet his home address is there too.
3680 DeSoto Highway, Captiva, Florida.
Thank you very much.