Cryptography at Langley?
- They're working on the telex now.
Our ad has to go out
in the same book code, or he'll know.
Book code?
"100 prayers" could be a page number
and the paired numbers lines.
Galatians only has six chapters.
Same with Jonah, it only has four.
Lecktor was not using the Bible.
The Tooth Fairy probably named
the book in the part torn out.
What about sweatin' Lecktor?
We tried sodium amytal 3 years ago,
and he gave 'em a recipe for
a chip dip. - Wonderful.
The Tooth Fairy knows which book.
He'd know from articles about Lecktor.
Willingham took Polaroids
of Lecktor's cell.
Have him meet me.
- Where? - Library of Congress.
25 minutes. He won't make it.
Lecktor's ad runs as is,
or we pull it
and run our own ad next week.
- We got 17 days left till full moon!
l don't like Lecktor's ad running
without knowing what it says.
lt's your call, Will.
Run it.
And what if it encourages the
Tooth Fairy to do something else?
Then we'll all feel sick.
And if Bowman can't figure it out?
Then we'll bait him with something
else in the "Tattler". - What?
That's not a very good idea.
Why not? Won't it provoke him?
- Maybe.