
What are the conditions?
- Shooting from 8 feet.

l can't use any lights.
- What's being photographed?

Nocturnal animals.
- When do you need it?

ln four days.
- OK. l'll stick this in a black bag.

1000 C infrared-sensitive
has to be handled in total darkness.

Remember to be careful.
lt's easier than the 1200 series.

Fine. - ln case you're wondering,
l keep the samples by touch.

l was wondering ...
l gotta fly. Perhaps
Mr. Dollarhyde can drive you home.

No, that's OK.
No thanks. Go on.

l'll take you. - No thanks.
l'll order 1200ft of 1000 C tomorrow.

Ride with me!
- No thanks! L'll take the bus.

Ride with me!
l would like you to.

OK, sure. L'll just get my stuff on.
How did you come to Gateway?
They had to hire the handicapped
to get this Defense contract.
- You worked out well.

Everybody they hired did.
You speak very well, although you
avoid fricatives and sibilants.

l trained in therapy for speech
and hearing-impaired children.

l'll probably go back to it someday.
lf you don't wanna talk, that's OK.
You're very direct, l like that.

l like what you have to say.
May l touch your face?
Are you smiling or frowning?
l guess l wanna know
whether l should be quiet or not.
