You look so good in the sun.
When ...
Reba, when can l see you again?
We could meet at my house.
You got the message Lecktor called?
Yeah. L'll call him in a few minutes.
We identified the tire tracks when
Lounds was delivered to the "Tattler".
G-7816, Goodyear truck tires.
Our boy drives a van.
l'm setting up our base in Chicago.
When are you back?
When l'm done, Jack.
Will Graham of the FBl.
l'd like to talk to Dr. Lecktor.
Hello, Will.
Congratulations on the job
you did on Mr. Lounds.
l admired it.
What a cunning boy you are.
l'm sick of you, Lecktor.
You've got something to say, say it!
l want to help you.
Relax with yourself!
We don't invent our natures,
they're issued to us with our lungs
and pancreas and everything else.
Why fight it?
Fight what?
Did you really feel depressed
after you shot Hobbes to death?