l think you probably did.
But it wasn't the act that got to you.
Didn't you feel so bad,
because killing him felt so good.
lt must feel good to God.
He does it all the time.
God's terrific.
He dropped a church roof
on 34 worshippers last Wednesday,
while groveling through a hymn.
Don't you think that felt good?
Why does it feel good, Dr. Lecktor?
lt feels good, because God has power.
lf one does
what God does, enough times,
one will become as God is.
God's a champ.
He always stays ahead.
He got 140 Phillipinos
in one plane crash last year.
Remember that earthquake
in ltaly last spring?
l enter.
The glass cutter.
The piece of glass is mine.
The house is mine.
l walk up these stairs,
l pass the children's toys.
The children mean nothing to me.
They were put here to help me.
l move to the door.
l step into the room.