Wild and pure as the driven snow.
She'd be a wonderful wife.
I'd be happy as a king
but she wouldn't want me.
No poor girl would reject a Soubeyran...
unless she's mad.
If she said yes, would you consent?
I can't until I know who she is.
Come on, you fool!
Open up and tell me!
No! I can't open the door!
I've got to think.
- Papet...
- Yes?
I'll tell you, but you must swear
on the family name
that when you hear her name
you won't say a word.
- As you like.
- No! Swear to me!
I swear on the name of the Soubeyrans.
Good. Now I've got to decide.
I'm not opening the door;
I'm just taking out the key.
Put your ear next to the keyhole.
It's Manon, the hunchback's daughter.