I'm glad to meet you at last.
I wanted to thank you for my knife.
- How did you know it was mine?
- I saw you eating with it the other day.
I'm the new teacher.
I'm making a collection of local rocks
so I can teach my pupils
about their land.
I thought you were a gold-digger.
It's all cretaceous,
from the Quaternary era.
You know a lot for a country girl.
My father taught me.
- I'd like you to keep this.
- I've got one.
- That one's too fancy for me.
- It's not!
Why shouldn't a goatherd
have a good knife?
It's got four blades and a nail file.
And some scissors.
I know. I used them.
It's the first one I've trapped.
It's a baby. The hawks eat the big ones.
That hare's my offering to you.