My class begins soon.
I've got to go.
I'll leave this on a rock.
Someone will be glad to find it.
She doesn't want your knife.
- I'll keep it if you take the hare.
- Fine.
- Papet...
- Yes.
What's the best way to talk to girls?
I don't know how to talk about love.
So, you've made up your mind?
Yes. I'd better hurry because
she often goes to Aubagne
and she might meet a man
who'll take her from me.
- Where will you talk to her?
- In the hills.
I'll pretend I'm gathering snails
and didn't see her.
Hang on!
If you do that,
it'll look as if you're poor.
Show your wealth!
Don't wear your old clothes.
You should wear a new suit,
a hunting outfit with leather
leggings and a hat to match.
And most important of all...
Wear braces!