- Papet, my spring's dried up!
- What?
- No water.
- None at all?
No. I dug a deep hole. Not a drop.
- My carnations are budding.
- 1 5,000 of them.
- There's your tank.
- In two days, it'll be empty.
Springs are capricious.
I bet it'll flow again in three months.
Three months! Oh, Lord!
Stop it, you fool! Get up!
It's probably already flowing again.
If not, we can transport enough
water using a few mules.
It used to flow.
When the hunchback came, it stopped...
Hey! There's something wrong
with the fountain.
- Come and see.
- Impossible!
- Not here, too? We're ruined!
- Calm down!
There must be a frog
blocking the pipe.
We're stuck, like Ugolin.
Impossible! It's flowed for 50 years.
Let's check the tank.