There's no stream within the
orography of the Huveaune river.
What does that mean?
The source of your water
is some way away.
- I want to speak.
- This isn't the time.
I'll make it short.
Just let him turn on the water.
He can explain later.
I'm not a plumber.
Now, the first hypothesis is drought.
The trouble may be due
to a drop in the water table.
The watercourse is determined by seams
of dolomite in the limestone.
It can cross the seams via a network
of siphons. You know what that is?
You use them in winemaking.
Precisely. During the rainy season,
the siphons are reactivated
as soon as the water table rises
to its normal level.
What table?
Quiet! To oppose progress
is a sure sign of ignorance!
If progress turns my water on,
I'm all for it,
and, if my spring flows again,
here's my 100 francs for progress.
Let's hear the rest...
the rest of his rubbish.
Now, the second hypothesis.
The subterranean stream
drops into a network of cavities.
Once they're full,
the water rises and
the spring will flow again.
- How soon?
- I really couldn't say.
Perhaps in two days,
perhaps in two years.
Or a hundred years!
That's not to be ruled out.
Third hypothesis...
To hell with your theories!
What can you do for us right now?
The administration can provide a daily
truck with 1 ,300 gallons of water.