Stop! Stop it!
Good morning.
Today's my birthday and I'd like to
invite you over for a drink after Mass.
I had no say over my birth date.
Dearly beloved, I am truly happy
to see you all gathered
in our little church.
The whole parish is here,
including some clever folks
- too clever, perhaps -
who generally ignore Mass
and hang around in the cafe.
I won't name it - it's our only cafe
- or name them,
since everyone's staring at them already.
I hope this shames them,
rather than making them laugh.
Your hands are joined, your eyes moist.
Today you are all steeped in faith.
But God knows that your piety
is due to your spring
and that your prayers are merely
pleas for your beans,
orisons for your tomatoes,
hallelujahs for your potatoes,
and hosannas for your marrows!
Now, I must speak seriously
about the spring.
I keep asking myself the question:
Why has this water, once so plentiful,
suddenly dried up in our hour of need?
I once read in a Greek tragedy,
a profane work of literature,
that Thebes was struck
by a calamitous plague
because its king
had committed some crimes.
And so I ask myself:
Is there a criminal among us?
It's quite possible,
since many wicked crimes
escape the justice of men,