She's not a saint!
An orphan's prayer
soars heavenwards like a lark.
Our Lord will listen to her.
She's innocent.
If she prays for us, we're saved.
Manon, you must come
and save our flowers!
I won't pray for people
who robbed my father.
I don't understand you.
They do. They know why
God is punishing them.
Do you know who the criminal is?
There are two of them.
I've had enough of this nonsense.
I'm going home.
Come on, Galinette.
- Your reaction might arouse suspicion...
- I don't care what you suspect.
My conscience is clear.
Let's go home!
- Come on!
- No.
I want to hear what she's got against me.
I can settle the whole matter.
- How did they steal your father's water?
- She's imagining things.
It's true that her father's
lack of water ruined him.
But for his fatal accident,
he might have found it.
Since the two women were in trouble,
we bought the farmstead...
Partly because we liked it - that's true
- but partly, too, to help them out.
Later on, purely by chance,
we found the spring.
She calls that stealing her water.
Help thy neighbour - some joke!
Let's go.