I love you unbearably.
Please listen, Manon.
Ever since I saw you,
ever since I spoke to you,
food has been turning to sawdust
in my mouth, sleep's been a torment...
If you reject me,
I'll die or go mad.
Shut up, you fool. Let's go.
Just think how I feel.
I'm all mixed up, what with remorse
for the harm I've done you
and the happiness
I want to offer you.
You must know how I'd slave for you!
- Oh, my love!
- Make him go away!
Don't be a fool! Stand up!
Manon, you must realise, I'm going to die
for the love of you, and no-one cares!
Galinette, come home!
No! It's all your fault!
I've lost everything because of you.
If only I'd known.
Galinette, my boy!
I'm staying. Since you're all
against him, I'll defend him.
I don't see how you can.
You all know there was no spring
at Romarins - just a puddle.
But I found the real spring.
You men, you're natives like me:
tell him there was no spring.
Listen: anyone who knew there was
one and didn't tell the hunchback
is responsible for his death.
- The old bastard!
- You knew!
Of course. We all knew.
But we didn't dare denounce them
to protect an outsider.
They hated my grandmother
and wanted revenge.