My assistant Beppo Strassenkehrer
just informed me about the following:
Unfortunately, empress Strapazia is collapsed.
I therefore must ask you
to regard this unique tour as finished.
Will you be so kind to follow me to the till ?
- Hej Beppo. Where is your Momo ?
- In there.
And why is she not coming out ?
She is afraid,
you could send her back to the asylum.
- Does she not have parents ?
- No, she wants to stay here.
Go away. Go away.
How old are you actually ?
Hundred ?
Hundred and two ?
Silence. Silence, please.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I ?
Listen. Obviously we are dealing here
with a little girl, that is afraid.
She has run away from one of these terrible asylums
and has nobody to take care of her.
And ...
... she cannot count.
I think, she wants to stay here,
because she likes it here.
Now: Let´s see,
if we will like the little girl as well.
Yeah. And if we like her:
Why should she not stay here ?
Yes ! Yes !
She shall stay here !
So. Come on, little one.
Come on out. Don´t be afraid.
Come on. Just come.
You don´t need to be afraid of us.
So you are Momo.