Like angels?
Aye, like angels
Yeah but angels are men Thomas
No one told me that
lt's true, angels are men
You got a big white rabbit with
long floppy ears?
No but we have one with short
What's his name?
His name is Arthur, he's over here
Oh right he'll do yeah
What is this George?
lt's a rabbit
You're not going to start all that
business again are you?
Yeah, why not?
Look George you can't go in there
Why not?
lts different
And Mortwell is he different too?
Very different
We'll see
Come on George your not going in
l've done 7 years for him Thomas!
Listen, George you don't know
what they are up to now
l don't give a fuck, give us the
No listen, oi, what do you want it
l'm going to give it to him
Well its up to you
We're closed. Tell him Terry
Yeah we're closed sir
Hello Terry
He'll have a lettuce and l'll have a
bloody Mary