Lets say you are a lady
Thank you
So what about this job then?
Well its just driving, you know
Oh, driving who?
A tall thin black tart. l could
write a book about it
Too many t's
No, no. He comes out the nick and
they owe him one
And they give him a job, driving a
tall thin black tart
And she fucking hates him, treats
him like a doormat
And he hates her?
Well kind of
You mean he likes her?
He don't even know her does he
She's early
You look better in the daytime
Yeah so do you, where do ya wanna
Down here
What you wanna walk?
Yes, its good for you
Bit early though in it?
l know but the early bird catches
the worm
Clever little bastard
ln here?
You got business here?
Seen these
They're pure silk
Do you like men's clothes?
Sometimes. How about a thin