Denny. Denny. lt's all right Denny
Jesus Christ George
What am l doing here right?
l didn't say that
l'm sorry
Don't be sorry its bad to be sorry
Hello mate
Rachid this is George
Of course we have met
How did you get on the other
night, was she good?
Come on George
Look l'm sorry, but l've been trying
to contact ya
Wasn't Dudley looking after ya?
Well yeah, yeah, he is but l mean
lts nothing like the personal touch
is there? seven years
This isn't the time, this is
business George
But we've got a lot to talk about
So we have, l'll ring you
l promise
Did ya get the rabbit?
What do you mean?
Well l mean, ya know. Alright?
What is wrong with you?
l dunno, what's wrong with me?
Stop here
Here mate you as fast as your
Maybe it's for her, hey?
l've got a daughter that age
She's not out there
Jesus l hope not
Go on Grandad give it to me