You're a good man Mr George
How can ya tell?
l can tell. Will you think about it?
Yeah, l'll think about it
Goodnight Mr George
Goodnight, thanks for the drink
Put the light out. What do you
What happened to the spaghetti?
Went like hot cakes
What ya gonna do with them?
l'm working on that
You're mad
D'ya think so?
Christ. What's happened t'ya
l'm growing up Thomas. Want to
look like other people
You'll never look like other people
Fuck is that true? Well she don't
think so
Aye, what she up to?
She's not up to anything, she's a
friend of mine
She's got to be up to something
George, what do you think this lot cost?
Well she's a woman of substance.
She's a lady
l thought you said she was a tart,
tall thin black tart?
Well maybe, but she's still a
fucking lady
Sorry about the language