Don't you want to come down and
sit next to me George?
Where are you from love?
l'm from here
No, listen, don't, don't, don't
You've to tell me what you want
Yeah well l wanna talk
Sshhh he's listening, he'll be angry
if you don't come out happy
Well l am happy
He thinks l'm no good but l am
good, aren't l George?
Yeah..yeah, yeah you're very good,
Doesn't mean you can't talk though
does it?
Where did you get these bruises
l told you, he gets angry
Where are you from love?
From lreland
Oh shit
No, no, no, no look its no good l'm
looking for someone else
Don't say that George, please don't
say that
What do you mean he'll hit you
Look he won't hit you again Cathy
Not if you are happy he won't
l told you l am happy
Will you tell him that George,
please, tell him that?
Alright, alright l'll tell him
l promise
She's a good girl Cathy
Yes very good
Come by anytime she'll be here
Yes l will l promise
Just ask for me
And you are?
Smith, Mr Smith
Mr Smith