Mona Lisa

Oi, oi come here
Fuck off
But l didn't tell him, why should l,

l said fuck off
Come here, listen come here, come

Get off me will you, get off me
You silly cow, you'll get us both

What do you want? please
Shut up
What did he do?
What do you think he fucking did?
he beat me up and he took all my stuff

And you told him didn't you, you
fucking told him

l told him l was happy that's all, l
promise you

Look come on girl l'll buy you a
cup of tea hey

No, get me an ice cream
Yeah, yeah all right
What do you want?
Eh, Knicker-Bocker Glory
And a tea
Coming up
Used to eat them all the time
when l was first down here

Thought l was pregnant
Was ya?
You kiddin
How old are you?
You're not are ya?
Well, what am l then?
You're fifteen ain't ya?
OK l'm fifteen
Jesus Christ
And a half
Where did you get that?
From a man like you. So what do
you want then?

l just wanna talk
You mean talk dirty?
No, l just wanna talk
Well how did you know where to
find me?

l didn't know where to find you
l wasn't looking for you l was
looking for somebody else

Well that's not very nice is it, so l
wasn't any good the other night then
