You were wond... ah shit. Look l'm
looking for a young girl just like you
Whose called Cathy, just like you
Yeah but my names May
You told me your name was Cathy
Yeah well l say whatever you want
me to don't l
Look stop doing that will ya. What
were you doing there?
What do you think l was doing? l'm
a working woman aren't l
l can't live on fresh air. You going
to pay me?
Shut up. l only wanna talk
Yeah well it all adds up doesn't it
l mean its my valuable time you're
taking up, it costs
All right, all right, l'll pay ya
You sure you didn't tell him?
Cross my heart
l believe you. Here's my ice cream
lt's one thirty five please. Thank
you very much
What you doing? Where you going?
You haven't finished your ice cream
Get out of that car you silly cow,
you wanna get yourself beaten up again
What do you do with him?
With who?
Harry Mentabnab your Arab
Drink tea
Don't laugh
What is this George?
l've been asked to find out
Who asked you?