We're very fortunate to have such
snowy ground here.
It is often the parchment on which
the criminal, unwillingly...
writes his autograph.
Now, what do you read from these
footprints here?
They're twice as deep as the
others, Master.
Good! And thus we may conclude...
That the man was very heavy.
Precisely! And why was
he very heavy?
Because... he was very fat?
Or because he was carrying
another man.
Let us commit the autograph
of this sole to our memory.
But the footprints lead away
from the jar, in this direction.
Adso, you're discounting
the possibility...
that the man was walking
backwards, dragging the body thus...
hence the furrows
created by the heels.
Now, where did the erudite
Greek translator...
meet the anonymous
author of his death?
Brother librarian...
perhaps you'll permit us to examine
the work of the two unfortunates...
that were so distressingly
guided off to God.
- Your request is most unusual.
- As are the circumstances of their deaths.
- Brother Adelmo sat there.
- Thank you.