While Ecclesiastics tells us:
"More bitter than death is woman."
Yes, but what do you think, master?
Of course, I don't have the benefit
of your experience...
but I find it difficult
to convince myself that...
God would have introduced such
a foul being into creation...
without endowing her
with some virtues. Hm?
How peaceful life would be
without love, Adso.
How safe... how tranquil...
and how dull.
How beautiful! God, You have guided
our steps to this refuge...
of spiritual peace because
you wish for reconciliation...
as much as we, Franciscans.
Let us go, brothers!
- Thy will be done, oh Lord.
- Amen. Amen.
Brother Berengar?
He's probably hiding
with the book and
my magnifying glasses.
Brother Berengar?
Master, look! The door!