Nine 1/2 Weeks

Have you guys heard of this artist?
He's new. This is serious.
Come on, please, everyone,
let her tell the story.

Elizabeth does not lie.
She's blushing.
There's nudity and violence
in this, mark my word.

-Tell it, tell it.
-Come on.

A guy, he's an artist.
-He's done a series of portraits.
-What kind of portrait?

No, rectal portraits.
I know him.
He pulls down his pants,
puts the brush up his bum. . .

. . .and then paints portraits in a sort
of jack-knifed position.

It's the most amazing thing.
That's sort of the way you
write your reviews, isn't it?

Charming. Charming. Very charming.
To swimming with bowlegged women.
-It's beautiful.
-It is a beautiful shawl.

It's an old French shawl.
-How much?
-Three hundred dollars.

Is it really that much?
It's rock bottom.
Three hundred dollars.

Three hundred's a good price.
Thank you.
