I want you to meet my fr--
Don't you want to meet my friends?
I don't want to meet anybody.
I really don't want to meet anybody.
I just want to be with you.
I'll start the dishes.
Let me tell you something.
You don't do dishes.
You don't ever have to do dishes.
I'll do the dishes.
And I'll buy the groceries.
And I'll cook the food.
And I'll feed you.
And I'll dress you in the morning.
And I'll undress you at night.
And I'll bathe you.
And I'll take care of you.
And you can see your friends in the
daytime. I just want the nighttime. . .
. . .from now on to be. . .
. . .ours.
Okay, fine.
Okay, I'll meet you.
I have to meet a friend.
That's okay.
I've got work to do at home.
No, I don't want you to go.
Would you please stay?
Fetch, boy,