I don't see any heart-stoppers here.
These broads still got the price tag
hanging from their nose.
Nice, nice.
There's the dickdipper
we're looking for.
Maybe she's his sister.
She's got " Born to screw"
tattooed on her forehead.
-Don't be bitter.
-Me, bitter?
-I know the secret to happiness.
A girl with freckles on her tits.
Can I help you?
You got it wrong.
Oh, of course.
Sit down.
-We're just about to order.
Nice, Eddie. Nice.
You got a hard-on for this girl, so you
gotta go and jump on this guy.
You blew it.
He's looking for a Chicago shooter.
What should I do?
-Swap spit with him, blow in his ear?
-Works for me.
That's not what your wife says.
I'd be offended if you
didn't owe me money.
-You're such a romantic.
-You're the romantic one, Eddie.
That's your problem.