No Mercy

You're good, lady.
You are...

...really, really good.
This how you played it with that dumb,
dead jerk in Chicago? Deveneux?

Give some guy a hard-on.
Next thing, he's getting
killed for you.

A whore's a whore.
Goes with the territory.

You don't know me.
You don't know anything
about my life.

You don't know anything about my life.
I do know one thing.
Joey Collins is dead
because of you.

And you stood there,
and you just watched, didn't you?

Didn't you? Didn't you?
You don't know what
I've seen in my life.

Do you think that was the worst?
You think that was the worst?
You wanna hear something about it?
Do you?

Losado will kill you.
That's what I'm gonna watch.
I'm not a whore.
I'm not a whore.
I've never been with anyone
except Losado.

Yeah, so?
I'm not a whore.
