One Crazy Summer

and he never found love.
-Are you aII right?

Yeah, great. ReaIIy good. Why?
I don't know,
you Iook pretty uncomfortabIe.

Are you afraid of water?
No, not reaIIy. Yeah.
ActuaIIy, I am afraid of the water.
But this is a big boat,
a Iot of safety equipment...

I can see the Iand.
CIean, fresh air....
Go away.
-You Iive on the isIand?
-Just for the summer.

-I'm heIping out my grandfather.
-What kind of heIp?

He's got a housefuI of friends
he's taking care of.

He's having money probIems.
I was working in a dive...

trying to heIp him out, but I got ripped off.
Is that what that was about,
the big scene back there?

-Wish I couId've heIped more.
-Come on, you were great.

You sure? Last bite.
WiII you get out of here with this?
You kids!
Come on! This is gonna be funny.
AII the eggs, they're broken!
CIay, if you don't stand on the right side...
you're defeating the entire purpose...
